Fan the Flames®


The perfect game for a couple who wants to turn up the heat on their romance. Fan the Flames® is a board game of Fantasy and Fulfillment – Preferences and Passion.

SKU: 9001 Category:

Fan the Flames®

Fan the Flames is a board game of Fantasy and Fulfillment, Preferences and Passion.

Spark Passion!

Fan the Flames® may be just the spark you need to ignite the fireworks in your relationship. This game turns up the heat for any  couple.

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How is Fan the Flames Played?

At the start of the game, without telling each other, the players write down a Wish Fantasy. Then as they move around the board, they take turns guessing each other’s answers to “playful” questions. If they guess correctly, they’re rewarded with a Flame Card. The first player to reach the Fireworks wins his/her Wish Fantasy.

The Game Sets the Stage – The Players Share the Romance.

Set aside private time and enhance the experience by creating a romantic ambience. Include favorite music, candles, nibbles and drinks.

Contents: 100 Cards, Game Board, Directions, Two Wooden Movers and Die.


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