Fan the Flames®
Fan the Flames is a board game of Fantasy and Fulfillment, Preferences and Passion.
Spark Passion!
Fan the Flames® may be just the spark you need to ignite the fireworks in your relationship. This game turns up the heat for any couple.
How is Fan the Flames Played?
At the start of the game, without telling each other, the players write down a Wish Fantasy. Then as they move around the board, they take turns guessing each other’s answers to “playful” questions. If they guess correctly, they’re rewarded with a Flame Card. The first player to reach the Fireworks wins his/her Wish Fantasy.
The Game Sets the Stage – The Players Share the Romance.
Set aside private time and enhance the experience by creating a romantic ambience. Include favorite music, candles, nibbles and drinks.
Contents: 100 Cards, Game Board, Directions, Two Wooden Movers and Die.
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