Roses or Chocolates

We received this note from someone who’d read our book: “I savor The Book of Love, Laughter & Romance and read it like eating chocolate, one bite at a time.” J.L. Omaha, NE

In today’s frenetic world, it’s hard to picture that kind of patience; taking the time to mull something over. We seem to be living in a perpetual fast-forward state; never really taking the time to “smell the roses.”

On seeing just about everyone bent over their smart phone at a restaurant, a close friend remarked that everyone seems to want to be somewhere else other than where they are.

So, how do you find the time and space to savor your romantic relationship; to nibble on the chocolate or take in the blooming rose?

It starts by paying attention — to where you are, who you’re with, why you’re together; and what’s important. They may seem like old messages, but they’re probably more relevant today than ever before.

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