The Time for Two Minute™
Timing is Everything
Part of the excitement of a being in a fulfilling relationship is to continue to discover more about each other (and, in the process, learning more about ourselves).
And there are so many ways we learn and grow together – …
The Time for Two Minute™
Texting and Tweeting’s Not Touching and Talking!
In a recent article, noted psychologist and sex therapist Dr. Marty Klein made this observation:
As a sex therapist, I am very concerned by how much trouble young people of both genders are having enjoying sex. Because of the new …
The Time for Two Minute™
Vote for Romance
Admittedly, it’s hard to feel romantic with all the politicians and “expert” commentators screaming at us twenty-four hours a day. But if we’re not going to go crazy during this absurdly long campaign season, we need to find a place …
The Time for Two Minute™
Valentine’s Powers
A cousin of ours, Marilyn Lebovitz, penned this admonition…it’s well worth considering.
Valentine’s Powers
A pagan beginning later forbidden?
Or tales of a man whose history’s hidden?
A prisoner condemned penning love before dying?
His name? Valentine! and this led …
The Time for Two Minute™
This Valentine’s Day, Don’t Take Baby-Steps
There’s a reason it’s referred to as the “Art of Seduction” — seducing your partner can not only be a work of art, it can also be an amazing amount of fun!
For the next seven days, Time for Two …
The Time for Two Minute™
A Day of Hearts and Flowers
If advertiser (and shoppers) can start talking about Christmas right after Halloween, it’s probably okay to mention Valentine’s Day now.
“Saint Valentine” has a long and somewhat complicated history, but for our purposes, this entry in Wikipedia should be sufficient:…
The Time for Two Minute™
The World is Too Much with Us
With the constant bombardment of “news”, chatter, and often inane conversation, it’s challenging to find a safe haven for romance and intimacy…it doesn’t happen on its own.
That means we have to make a conscious effort to create time and …
The Time for Two Minute™
Memories, and Other Delights
At the risk of feeling as if one’s living in the past, it’s wonderful to stroll down memory lane every now and then. Thinking about where you’ve been in your relationship can help you look forward to where you and …
The Time for Two Minute™
The Little “Pink Pill”
The “pink pill” is upon us…or at least some of us. It’s arrival probably creates more questions than answers, and the research on which the FDA based its approval is anything but strongly compelling.
To some, it’s a solution looking …