Author name: Michael Jonas

Barbara and Michael Jonas are the co-authors of The Book of Love, Laughter & Romance - creative ideas and suggestions for keeping your relationship exciting and fulfilling. [Over 130,000 copies sold]. They’ve also written for a wide variety of life style publications.The Jonases have created 9 popular romantic and dating games that are part of the Time for Two Collection. These games have been aptly described by ABC News, as “love, laughter and romance…in a box.” [The “inspiration” for the games came from a disagreement…as a way for Barbara and Michael to “kiss and make up”].Barbara and Michael have appeared on hundreds of local and national radio and TV programs…with a wide range of audiences from the Trinity Broadcasting Network to The Howard Stern Show.

The Time for Two Minute™

Vote for Romance

Admittedly, it’s hard to feel romantic with all the politicians and “expert” commentators screaming at us twenty-four hours a day. But if we’re not going to go crazy during this absurdly long campaign season, we need to find a place …

The Time for Two Minute™

Valentine’s Powers

A cousin of ours, Marilyn Lebovitz, penned this admonition…it’s well worth considering.

Valentine’s Powers

A pagan beginning later forbidden?
Or tales of a man whose history’s hidden?
A prisoner condemned penning love before dying?
His name? Valentine! and this led …

The Time for Two Minute™

A Day of Hearts and Flowers

If advertiser (and shoppers) can start talking about Christmas right after Halloween, it’s probably okay to mention Valentine’s Day now.

“Saint Valentine” has a long and somewhat complicated history, but for our purposes, this entry in Wikipedia should be sufficient:…

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